LinkedIn Launches Tools In Bid for Content Marketing Dollars | Digital – Advertising Age

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LinkedIn tools help brands become better publishers by assigning advertisers a score for how well their content is performing…

For going on a year, LinkedIn has been repositioning its ad business around content marketing. Now it’s launching new tools to let advertisers see how they’re faring as publishers within its walls.

Jacqueline Taylor-Adams‘s insight:

Content truly is king in the marketing game. Do you have a content marketing strategy? Well, if you don’t it’s time to get one. If you do, consider including LinkedIn advertising in your content marketing strategy.

LinkedIn tools are providing valuable insights that will help you. As the quality of your content grows so does the quality of the LinkedIn platform. It’s a win-win.

review provided by

Jacqueline Taylor-Adams

Marketing Strategist

CEO, TaylorAdams Marketing & MgMt the official marketing agency for the Urban Tech Fair, Master Griot / NBBTA Radio, I’m Walking In Wellness, and IMPACC NOW.

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